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Figure 1. a) Powder and calculated XRD patterns of the EMIMPbI3 single crystals; inset: the picture of the corresponding single crystals. b) The structural arrangements of EMIMPbI3 perovskite along different directions. c) Powder XRD patterns of fresh and soaked EMIMPbI3 single crystals for 5 h in ultrapure water. d,e) GIWAXS data of perovskite films with and without EMIMTFA additive.


Figure 2. a) SEM images, b,c) the HRTEM images of control sample and W/EMIMTFA perovskite with 0.5 mol% EMIMTFA additive, d) The 3D maps of W/EMIMTFA perovskite film showing the distribution of the EMIM+ and F signals through the perovskite as obtained from ToF-SIMS analysis. e,f) ToF-SIMS depth profiles of W/EMIMTFA perovskite film containing 0.5 mol% EMIMTFA on Si substrate measured in positive and negative modes, respectively.

要点2: MIMTFA钝化后钙钛矿的晶粒尺寸显著大,表面粗糙度明显降低;0.887 nm的晶格条纹间距与1D 钙钛矿EMIMPbI3 (200) 晶面十分吻合;EMIM+分布在整个钙钛矿体相并在底部界面积累,实现了在钙钛矿的整体空间分布。而来自于TFA-的F-主要是聚集在钙钛矿薄膜的底部界面。EMIM+钝化钙钛矿薄膜内实现多级分布。

Figure 3. a) TRPL decay curves of perovskite films deposited on glass (measured from the side with perovskite ), b) TPV, c) current−voltage curves under dark condition,  and d) current−voltage curves for the electron-only devices of control and W/EMIMTFA perovskite from SCLC measurements. e) EL spectra of control and W/EMIMTFA-d devices under 1.5 V. f) EQEEL curves of control and W/EMIMTFA-d devices. The inset shows a photograph of the luminescence from W/EMIMTFA-d device.


Figure 4. a) Schematic of the perovskite solar cell. b) Cross-sectional SEM image of the full device made from MAPbI3 with 0.5 mol% EMIMTFA. c) Current density−voltage curves of the best-performing devices under simulated AM 1.5 G illumination of 100 mW cm−2 measured in forward and reverse scan. d) The stable output of the champion devices at the maximum power point. e) The EQE spectra and integrated Jsc curves for control and W/EMIMTFA-d PSCs. f) Long-term light illumination stability of normalized PCE of the control and W/EMIMTFA-d PSCs under 1 sun in N2 glove box.


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